Sarah Cash Sarah Cash

WHY CharliRose&Co?

Lauryn openly talked about her relationship with her body. In many ways, hearing her struggles made me feel sane. I looked at Lauryn and saw a beautiful woman and hoped that even though I was struggling with my body, maybe I was beautiful too.

Meet Lauryn. She is CHARLI ROSE & CO.

When Lauryn was still living in Florida, she and I met because we worked in the same building, although it was for a very short time. At the time I was hired, Lauryn was getting ready to move to North Carolina. We were like two passing ships.

Lauryn moved, had a second baby and started CHARLI ROSE & CO. I was getting used to a new job and raising my three girls..


Everything came to a screeching halt for me. I was in a medical accident. While on vacation, in South Carolina, I got sick and ended up in the hospital. During an emergency surgery, my ureter was removed instead of my ovary.

Except for my husband at my side, I was alone. I was in a strange state- city- hospital and I knew no one. I started connecting with friends and family through Facebook. It was the quickest and easiest way to give updates about my health. From my hospital bed, I tuned into the CHARLI ROSE lives on Facebook and looked forward to reading their posts. Seeing Lauryn smiling and telling me, “Stay Beautiful” helped brighten my day. I needed all the goodness that CHARLIE ROSE brought, because my reality was, scars on my body were quickly adding up. I was feeling lost, hopeless… ugly. BUT!!!! Lauryn told me I was beautiful. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Even though she was talking to everyone watching, in those moments, I felt like she was talking to me. A Sister in Christ speaking to my heart, reminding me that I am wonderfully and fearfully made.

Lauryn openly talked about her relationship with her body. In many ways, hearing her struggles made me feel sane. I looked at Lauryn and saw a beautiful woman and hoped that even though I was struggling with my body, maybe I was beautiful too.

Clearly there is more to the story but the condensed version… The medical injury took its toll on me. I diminished. I was very sick emotionally, physically, mentally.

I fought death. I fought to live and not let this tragedy destroy me. BTW, I still fight. Illness is and will always be a burden I carry.

For fun, I started creating jewelry.

Then, I started selling jewelry.

Then, -IT- happened.

Lauryn from CHARLI ROSE contacted me and asked me to create for her on-line/ in-store Boutique. These are some ChariRose&Co photos!! Love it all!!!

Now, Sarahfide can be found not only at SARAHFIDE but it can also be found at CharliRose&Co. I can’t begin to tell you the impact Lauryn and CR has had on me, my family, my business, my LIFE!

That. is. the. why. That is why, CHARLI ROSE & CO!!!

Some other reasons…. I LOVE the clothes!! I LOVE the beauty and grace they exude and I love seeing how they style everything. I LOVE supporting a small business. When I purchase from CR, I know my money is supporting a family, business, and community, right here in the USA. I LOVE Lauryn. I love her heart. I love her message. I’ve held her hand and cried, sat on her couch, and talked with her little’s. She is exactly what you see. A HARD working mamma, who loves Jesus, family, and county. A woman trying to help other women, like me and like you, find apparel that will encourage them to love the skin they are in.

BTW, it works. I feel absolutely beautiful, when I wear my Charli Rose and of course, my Sarahfide!!! Can’t you tell!!!!

We need women like Lauryn and we need businesses like CHARLI ROSE & CO!!! Let’s show her some love and support!!! Click this link right now and use the CODE I put below!!!

SHOP CharliRose NOW

Happy Shopping and…. Stay Beautiful!



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Sarah Cash Sarah Cash

If You Hit A Wall, Swim. Fly!

I gave in to the idea that I had lost myself on that surgical table. I was hopeless… depressed. I felt like a giant taker. No longer a functioning contributor to my family or society. I believed I had noting to give. I fell prey to the lies that I was worthless, unnecessary, and unneeded. Just existing was hard.

Have you hit a wall lately in your life? Maybe at your J.O.B., in your marriage, with a friend??

I did. Four short years ago, during a necessary, common surgery, a doctor accidentally removed the majority of my left ureter. (They were attempting to remove my left ovary, but made a mistake.) It was devastating. Life changing. What should have been an outpatient surgery, turned into a half month stent, in a hospital. Three surgeries, a dozen procedures, and top physicians couldn’t repair the damage that had been done. My body was, is, and forever, will be broken. I spent the first three years mostly recovering from my latest surgery or procedure. Then, I received the devastating news from Mayo Clinic, that the pain, infections, and possible kidney failure were just going to be part of my life. There was noting they could do. The damage was done and it was not repairable.

My Brick Wall.

I gave in to the idea that I had lost myself on that surgical table. I was hopeless… depressed. I felt like a giant taker. No longer a functioning contributor to my family or society. I believed I had noting to give. I fell prey to the lies that I was worthless, unnecessary, and unneeded. Just existing was hard.

The details of my recovery are another story, and one I am anxious to tell, but not today.

I will say, that as a part of my recovery, I started trying to create things to give to others. I wanted so much to bring JOY to others. I started making small gifts and it evolved into making jewelry. Then…Sarahfide was born. I had learned to SWIM.

Sarahfide has become so important to me. It is my pride and JOY!


First, it has helped me see my value. Even if I didn’t have Sarahfide, I am no longer blinded by the lies that I am worthless. I have an amazing husband and three beautiful children and I contribute to their lives, Just By Being Me.

Secondly, I’m ready to contribute. Not only do I want to pick myself up and live, but I want to thrive!!! I want to contribute to my church, my family and friends, and to my home. Two years ago, we sold our home. We couldn’t afford to live there and pay my rising medical expenses, with my declining health. After selling our home, we moved into an old property owned by my parents. It is a mobile home, made in the Seventies. This is where we now lay our heads but it has never felt like our home. We are grateful for our community, our family but I am ready to stand on my own two feet. My dream, my husbands dream, AND our three girls pray that Sarahfide will be successful enough to buy a home of our own. Not new… not large… just ours.

So, you can see, there is much to be done. The wall is still there. Going that way is not an option for me. Daily, I struggle with the consequences of this medical injury. It is not going to go away. I am leaning how to do life differently. I am now in the water and I am swimming. I have a goal, a destination, and I am determined to get there, even if I have to learn how to FLY!

No matter your dream, don’t give up. Never! Give! Up!. If you hit a wall, find another way. There is always a way around. Swim. Fly, if you have to!

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Sarah Cash Sarah Cash

CHOOSE Beautiful


I don’t care if you shop with me or if you shop with her. I just want you to CHOOSE beautiful.


I don’t care if you shop with me or if you shop with her. I just want you to CHOOSE beautiful!.

Have you noticed an uptick in how many “Shop Small” businesses have popped up since the world changed a few months ago? I have.

This time last year, if you had told me I would have a booming business, a website, and be designing and creating jewelry, I seriously would have thought you were crazy. I wouldn’t have told you that, ~because it’s not nice~, but I most definitely would have thought it.

So, if you look at the Sarahfide calendar, you would see that I launched my small biz February 3rd. Of course, I had been in the shadows creating the actual business for several months, before I launched. The week I launched my biz, not only did I become aware that we were on the verge of an epidemic, but I also found out two women, that I knew personally, had started jewelry businesses. I was told one had been doing it for a while and the second was like me, new. (Once, I stayed up all night cooking and decorating the most perfect cake for my little girls school party. I was so proud of my cake and knew everyone would be blown away by how amazing it was. After taking my first step into my child’s classroom, the next morning, I saw that not only was there a similar themed cake already on the table, but I also noticed, sitting pretty, in the middle of each child’s plate, was the most delicious looking designer cupcake.) Disappointing… THIS felt like THAT…

I’m not going to lie. My heart sank.

First, how was my new business going to make those other two women feel… and secondly, how was I going to have a successful jewelry business, if my community of people, already had two other jewelry businesses to buy from.

Then I remembered… JOY! I love creating. I love creating jewelry. I love creating fun pictures of my jewelry. I loved creating my website and making it my own. I even love writing this BLOG! :)

All that to say, I took a step back and listened to the amazing people I have in my life and started focusing on me, Sarahfide. I ignored the lies of, “what if I’m not good enough” and “what if this makes people mad”. I am still aware of the other beauties selling jewelry.. but there is room for everyone!! I don’t want to compete. I want to encourage!! I want people in my community to be successful and profitable. In fact, I want all small businesses to be successful and profitable. It will help our economy and bring a better future for my children.

Do I see a great design by another designer or an image on social media that spawns an idea in me? Sure!

Do I try to sell my jewelry and try to make my prices competitive? Sure!

Do I pray for those woman, because I know the painstaking hours it takes to run a business, ABSOLUTELY!

So to you, shopper, customer, client, beauty, friend….

I don’t care if you choose me or if you choose her…. I really only want you to feel beautiful, because that is what you are. You are beautiful. Shop for something that makes you feel beautiful. CHOOSE beautiful.

Shop small… jewelry, women’s clothes, children’s clothes, healthy living supplies, books, meal plans, pink drinks, skinny drinks, cupcakes, etc…. #womenencouragingwomen

Start Shopping Small

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