I hate detours.
As it goes, I’m a directionally challenged individual. I’m the person who goes to a restaurant and gets lost on the way to and from the bathroom.
I’m not really different in life. I like schedules. I like to know what I’m supposed to do and when it needs to be done by. I like to know where I’m going.
We are only in the first few weeks on January and already, I feel like my life is on a detour.
I had so many goals and aspirations for myself personally. I had goals for our family.
I had a goal not to let the dishes stack up. Yea, that’s not going too good either.
A few years ago, John and I took a trip to South Dakota. We had heard of it’s spectacular views and decided to go. Although we believe it is always safe to follow maps and stay on major roads, we decided to ask our waitress, who had lived there all her life, if there was anything off road, we should explore. She was a wealth of information. She told John what remote roads to take, because let’s be honest, it was completely lost on me.
Instead of following our agenda, that day, we decided to take the detour she had given us.
Later that day, I was surrounded by so much beauty, all I could do was gasp. Have you ever seen something so beautiful, it makes you gasp the first time you see it. Well, every bend in the road, every swivel of my head created an uncontrollable gasp from me. Even John was in a haze at experiencing such splendor.
Recently, I have reflected on that trip to Dakota and I’m so grateful to the waitress who knew what I needed more than I knew myself.
I think what I’m trying to say is this. Detours can be beautiful too. In fact, they can be more beautiful. We learn about ourselves and who God created us to be, in the detours of life. When life is good and everything is going our way, it’s easy to keep our heads up. It’s when our lives are on a detour that we are seriously challenged and put to the test.
So today, I am embracing the detour I’m on. I’m going to work the new years resolutions into my day and keep moving forward.
By the way, my Warm White Winter Collection, worn in my photo was a detour. I had something else sketched out for the new year, but went another way, and I’m so glad I did. My Warm White Winter Collection is beautiful, neutral, and can be worn with absolutely anything. It makes smiling so much easier.