A Strong Blog ~ Saving Babies

With my vendor market only two days away, I wanted to openly talk about why I’m so excited to be a part of an event that is raising money for The Nest, A Women’s Center, located in Jacksonville, Florida.

The biggest and most important reason is that they believe life starts in the womb, in accordance to the Bible.

The second reason I love this charity: they offer free services, such as early pregnancy detection.

I love that they offer support through women’s groups but, I was touched when I saw they offer post-abortion support.

See, when I was young, I had a friend who got pregnant. She was terrified. She not only feared telling her parents that she was pregnant but feared having to tell her parents she had sex with her teenage boyfriend. Out of fear, she secretly had an abortion. I didn’t know her till a while later but even now, she carries the scars of that decision.

I wish I would have known her then. I know I would have made my voice louder than the fears inside her head. But alas…

With that said, I’m happy to know that post abortion support is something The Nest offers because I’ve never met a women who hasn’t regretted having an abortion.

As the mother of three girls, I have already started talking to them about the decisions they will make in the future.

I first teach abstinence. BUT!! I also teach murder is a sin. We openly talk about what causes pregnancy AND!! we openly talk about abortion not being a solution or fix to anything they do.

Babies are a gift from God. A miracle. Living souls.

I tell my girls continually that whatever “trouble” they get into, John and I will walk along side them and help them in any way we can, even if it means helping them raise a baby.

According to one article I read, over 60% of women who have abortions have a religious affiliation. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because the conversation stop after abstinence. We should also teach that murder is sin and life starts in the womb.

I know that this is a STRONG blog but speaking Biblical and Godly truths will always be the strongest voice you hear at Sarahfide. When people say, “It’s not saving babies.”, this conversation is just that~ Saving babies!

So, several things: If you believe as I do, know, you are not alone. For any women reading this who have made the choice of abortion, I would ask that you not allow this to cripple your walk with Jesus. The Nest is a resource that can assist in finding spiritual and emotion peace. Lastly, for any women contemplating abortion, my hope is that you will seek Biblical truths and reflect on two important verses:

Psalm 139: 13&14 - For you formed my inward parts; you kitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Exodus 20: 13 - Thou shalt not kill.

I’ve put it all on the table today, there is nothing left to be said but this…. I love you and more importantly, God love you.



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