
Sometimes beautiful things have to be broken so they can be remade into something else that brings more beauty, more purpose, and more JOY.

Hi, I’m Sarah from Sarahfide. All my life I’ve been able to see past the ugly and find the beauty in all things. I see things differently. However, it was only in my mid thirties that I started to truly appreciate and see my unique point of view as a gift. Don’t get me wrong; sometimes life’s circumstances aren’t beautiful. Life can be downright ugly, but even the most beautiful of flowers grow up through the dirt.

Three years ago, I was injured during a surgery and it changed my life. I fell asleep trusting that all would be well and woke to a living nightmare. I can speak to the fact that life can get ugly, fast. My prognosis: permanent damage. I have found myself trying to pick up the pieces. In some ways; I feel broken, but in many ways; I feel as if I’ve been made new. I have found beauty in the darkest of things and the darkest of times. Looking death in the face has a way of causing a person to weigh their priorities and change perspective. Through this brokenness, Sarahfide was conceived.

I believe there is beauty everywhere if we but only look. This is why I think Sarahfide is so important. I want to be a part of the beauty in this world. I want to see it, I want to expose it, and I want to “compliment ~ complement” it. My wish is that you will believe in my work and in my mission and allow me to “compliment ~ complement” you. In return, I will design, create, live, love, and keep finding the beauty in life.


My Mission: According to google…. A fashion accessory is an item that is used to contribute to the wearer’s outfit, it is often used to “complement” your look.

Let Sarahfide “complement ~ compliment” you.